Photo Prints and Images
$3.00 - $19.99
Sandhill Crane Family
A Sandhill Crane family strolling through a grain field near Kutawagan Lake in southern Saskatchewan. These cranes can live for 30 years and mate for life.
$3.00 - $19.99
Coyote by Aspen Bluff
This curious coyote studies me as photographed a stand of aspen trees. This watercolour image is a computer manipulated version of an original colour photograph.
$3.00 - $19.99
Aspen Bluff
These trembling aspen stand straight and tall with scarred white bark. This watercolour image is a computer manipulated version of an original colour photograph.
$3.00 - $19.99
Bird on a Wire
The Western Meadowlark is an iconic summer resident of the Canadian prairies. The sweet song of the Western Meadowlark is a true indicator of the arrival of spring in southern Saskatchewan. This watercolour image is a computer manipulated version of an original colour photograph.
$3.00 - $19.99
Robin on a Fencepost
The American Robin is an iconic summer resident of the Canadian prairies. The quintessential early bird, Robins are common sight throughout North America. This watercolour image is a computer manipulated version of an original colour photograph.
$3.00 - $19.99
$3.00 - $19.99
Musher and Dogs
A musher prepares his dog team for the race. This watercolour image is a computer manipulated version of an original colour photograph.
$3.00 - $19.99
$3.00 - $19.99
$3.00 - $19.99
$3.00 - $19.99
$3.00 - $19.99