Latin Name: Prunus fruticosa
Family: Rosaceae
Native Range: An introduced shrub from Asia.
Seed Source: Seed production orchard near Indian Head, Saskatchewan.
Height and Spread: 2m x 2m (5 years)
Overview: The Mongolian cherry seed is ultra-hardy and adapted to cold temperate climates. It was developed specifically for agroforestry planting. Mongolian cherry produces high yields of edible tart cherries. The fruit is much sweeter if cooked or dried.
Fruits: A round single-seeded purplish-red cherry, 1.5 cm in diameter.
Average number of seeds/packet: 75
Stratification: Stratify in moist sand (10 percent moisture) for 120 days at 5oC.
Ideal sowing time: Non-pretreated seed outdoors in late September (will germinate the following spring) or stratified seed in spring.
Sowing instructions: Sow 2.0 cm deep, 50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell.
Growing conditions: ’Brilliant’ Mongolian cherry grows well on medium-textured soils with soil pH 7.0 to 8.0.
Agroforestry Value
Mongolian Cherry is used in farmstead and field shelterbelts, Eco-Buffers, wildlife habitat, and fruit orchard plantings. Many song and game birds utilize this shrub for food and habitat. The cherries can be eaten fresh, preserved as jelly, or dried.