Latin Name: 'Peterson' Pinus ponderosa
Family: Pinaceae
Native Range: Native to Rocky Mountain region of Canada and United States.
Seed Source: Ponderosa pine seed orchard near Indian Head Saskatchewan.
Height and Spread: 15m x 8m.
Overview: Ponderosa pines are large trees native to the Rocky Mountain region of North America. They are drought tolerant and our seeds are well adapted to northern temperate regions. The 'Peterson' seed strain was developed from tree populations originating in northern Nebraska. It is ideally adapted for planting in non-boreal regions. The seed strain is named in honour of Lloyd Peterson Forest Nursery Station entomologist, for his contributions to forest entomology and prairie tree planting.
Seeds: Dark brown, winged 6-7 mm long.
Average number of seeds/packet: 180
Stratification: Soak in cold running water for 48 hours then stratify for 30 days in moist sand at 5°C.
Ideal sowing time: Sow soaked seed outdoors in May.
Sowing instructions: Outdoors - sow 1.0 cm deep,50 seeds/meter; Greenhouse - sow 3 seeds per cell.
Growing conditions: 'Peterson' ponderosa pine grows on a variety of soil types but does best on coarse-textured soils when available soil moisture is limited. The seed strain favours a pH of 6.0 to 7.0 and is intolerant of shade. Its ability to grow vigorous taproots is one reason for its good growth on dry severe sites and ability to firmly anchor into the soil.
Agroforestry Value
'Peterson' ponderosa pine is an excellent choice as a tall tree component in shelterbelts and Ecobuffers, offering year-round protection and relatively rapid growth. It is also suited for wildlife planting (food, nesting, cover).